Falling: Exclusive New Poster And Trailer For Viggo Mortensen’s Directorial Debut


by James White |
Updated on

After years spent in front of the camera (with the occasional stint as a producer), Viggo Mortensen is now turning his hand to directing, and the result, Falling, has been winning rave reviews. Empire is happy to debut a new exclusive UK poster for the drama.


The story follows John (Mortensen), who lives with his partner, Eric (Terry Chen), and their daughter, Mónica (Gabby Velis), in California, far from the traditional rural life he left behind years ago. John's father, Willis (Lance Henriksen), a headstrong man from a bygone era, lives alone on the isolated farm where John grew up. Willis is in the early stages of dementia, making running the farm on his own increasingly difficult, so John brings him to stay at his California home so that he and his sister Sarah (Laura Linney) might help him find a place near them to relocate to. Unfortunately, their best intentions ultimately run up against Willis’s adamant refusal to change his way of life in the slightest.

Check out the brand new trailer below:

Falling will be available digitally and, subject to opening status, in UK cinemas on 4 December.

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