Transformers 3 Will Be Subtitled…

The Dark of the Moon.

Transformers 3 Will Be Subtitled...

by James White |
Published on

Dear Michael Bay: we think you might have missed a word here… According to Transformers fan info site, the third film in the franchise has its subtitle at last: Transformers: The Dark of The Moon**.

Okay, so it’s not a typo (at least, we don’t think so, and Collider has apparently spoken to someone close to the production and confirmed that it’s accurate). The detail leaked out thanks to Amazon, which has started to list the tie-in novels, which include Autobots Betrayed! and Invasion of the Decepticons.

As for the phrase itself, there is at least a good, atmospheric reason for it. According to lunar-obsessed site Everything Under The Moon, it refers to “traditionally the last three days of the lunar cycle, immediately preceding the New Moon, and the time when the night sky is notably absent the presence of the Moon.” Which ties in with both the rumours about the 1960s space race being part of the plot of TF****3 and the fact that things are supposed to get even darker for our robotic heroes (and fleshy pal Shia LaBeouf).

Bay’s hard at work on the pic, which is scheduled to arrive in 3D next July.

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