Transformers: Dark Of The Moon is the biggest Fourth-Of-July weekend opener of all time. Its US haul was set to be $181.1m by the end of Monday, with $116.4m of that over the three-day weekend, beating previous record-holder Spider-Man 2 and its $115.8m (although that film did not benefit from a 3D premium).
Worldwide, Bay's film had taken $217m by Sunday, 55% more than its predecessor Revenge Of The Fallen. That's the third-best global debut of all time apparently, making up for this instalment's slight underperformance initially in the US, relevant to its predecessor. 60% of US takings and 70% of worldwide takings were from 3D cinemas, however, which explains a little of that gap.
It also managed the biggest opening ever in seven countries: Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Peru. The countdown until the fourth film is announced starts here...