Thor: Love And Thunder Wraps Filming With Chris Hemsworth And Taika Waititi Set Pic

Thor: Love And Thunder – instagram

by Ben Travis |
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Here’s news that shouldn’t really come as news to anyone: Chris Hemsworth is absolutely jacked. Like, seriously, ridiculously ripped. The actor has just finished shooting Thor: Love And Thunder, and it seems like Endgame’s Dadbod-Thor is well and truly out the window – in a set photo he posted to mark the end of Love And Thunder’s production, he’s so ridiculously built that he looks like he ate his original 2011 Thor self as part of a balanced breakfast. And if that wasn’t enough to take in, his hair seems to have been partly crimped (what year is this?), and we have director Taika Waititi in his full rock-man Korg outfit. How’s that for an end-of-shoot celebration? Check out the pic:

“That’s a wrap on Thor: Love and Thunder,” Hemsworth wrote in the caption. “It’s also national don’t flex day so I thought this super relaxed photo was appropriate. The film is gonna be batshit crazy off the wall funny and might also pull a heart string or two. Lots of love, lots of thunder! Thank you to all the cast and crew who made this another incredible Marvel journey. Buckle in, get ready and see ya in cinemas!!”

Waititi shared the pic too, with his own caption to mark the end of filming. “Sometimes two people come together to inspire the world and change the cinematic landscape forever. And then there's me and @chrishemsworth who are too cool to care about anything except making movies that bring people absolute joy. Ok I don't look cool I know that,” he wrote. “This film is the craziest thing I've ever done and I'm honoured to bust my ass and have a nervous breakdown so you can all see it in May 2022.”

With Taika touting this as his “craziest” movie, there’s plenty going in Thor Four – not just the return of Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster, set to take on the Thor mantle at some point in the movie, but the arrival of Christian Bale’s baddie Gorr the God Butcher, the return of Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie, a fresh crop of rumoured cameos, and a handful of the Guardians too. And the central superhero will seemingly find some time to shape up again after his post-Thanos Lebowski-alike look – hopefully without undermining his ultimate acceptance of his new physique in Endgame's finale. We'll find out just how crazy this big, colourful summer blockbuster will go next May.

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