Machine guns. Knife-fights. An aircraft carrier doing a handbrake turn in the middle of the ocean. Yep, the Expendables 4 trailer is here at last – or, if you’d rather, the Expend4bles trailer — and you’ll be pleased to note that things have only got more intensely explode-y since we last hung out with Hollywood’s hardest legends nearly a decade ago.
“I got this situation where I need your help,” says Stallone’s Expendables head honcho Barney Ross when he knocks on for Jason Statham’s Lee Christmas. Yep, the old gang are getting back together for one more mission: Ross, Lee and their squad of experienced exterminators are on the tail of some nukes which have gone walkabout and ended up in the hands of terrorists who want to razz up some bad vibes between America and Russia. “If these babies go off,” we’re told, “it’ll be World War Three.”
It’s not just the old gang this time though. 50 Cent is along for the ride alongside Sly and the Stath, as is Andy Garcia as a CIA agent. In the evil corner: martial arts king Iko Uwais from The Raid. Plus! Former World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall is going to pop up too.

But the best thing about this new trailer isn’t the new Expendables, or the extremely sick martial arts on display, or Statham using knives to stop himself falling over. It’s the tagline. That tagline: They’ll die when they’re dead. Breathe it in. They’ll die when they’re dead. You can try killing these Expendables, but buddy, remember one thing. They’re only going to die when they’re dead. So, so good. The Expendables 4 smacks, blasts and chops its way into cinemas on 22 September.