The people bringing us the new Power Rangers movie really, really like posters. This latest is the third set to arrive, on the heels of the first teaser trailer, which you can find here. Head lower down the page to see the new images.
These latest posters feature our Ranger-y heroes in their power suits, complicated alien technology that morphs on to their bodies. The trailer didn't show much of them (preferring instead to focus on the youngsters' angst issues and their initial discovery of the tech), so it's a chance to get a good look at them. And to also wonder why someone thought streaks that make the images appear to still be downloading on a computer in 1999 are cool.
Taking the core concept of five young people recruited to help save the world by the powerful Zordon (voiced by Bryan Cranston) from the terror of such threats as Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks), Power Rangers will be with on 24 March next year.