Strike May Have Struck Justice League

Plus: Was This George Miller's Cast?

Strike May Have Struck Justice League

by Tom Ambrose |
Published on

The Justice League Of America has faced – and overcome – insurmountable odds on many occasions. But it seems that even the combined might of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub won’t be able to overcome… The Writers’ Guild Of America.

On a day when Ron Howard’s Angels & Demons became the first high-profile casualty of the ongoing writers’ strike, it appears as if George Miller’s big-budget live-action Justice League movie might also be in trouble.

That’s according to an article in The Hollywood Reporter, which lists a number of projects that could be in trouble because of the strike, including Tom Cruise thriller, Edwin A. Salt, and Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat follow-up, Bruno.

“At Warner Bros., "Justice League of America" finds itself without a shooting script and has options expiring on potential actors who recently were screen tested,” states the article. “As a result, it might have to postpone production.”

Interesting… very interesting. And who are these potential actors who recently were screen tested? Well, if you’ve been reading Empire over the past month or so – and if you haven’t been, what the hell were you doing? – you’ll know that Miller had screen tested a whole bunch of young Hollywood types for the various Justice League roles.

So far, no word on casting has leaked out – apart from a wild rumour that Hellboy’s Rupert Evans had been cast as Superman – but those fearless types over at Superhero Hype have got hold of a list that they claim reveals Miller’s choices. And fanboys may not be entirely happy.

Pulling on the Man Of Steel's big blue tights might be… D.J. Cotrona, a 27 year-old actor whose biggest credit to date was a stint as a series regular on TV show, Windfall. At least, judging from his IMDb headshot, Cotrona at least looks the super-part: tall, dark and handsome. (We still don’t see why Miller just can’t cast Brandon Routh and be done with it, though)

And speaking of roles that don’t need to be recast, instead of Christian Bale as Batman, we might have… Armie Hammer, who appeared in one episode of Arrested Development, and who stars in the upcoming Blackout, a thriller about three people trapped in a lift. Again, Hammer looks like a good physical match for Bruce Wayne, but fanboys will not be happy to see that he’s only 21. This is Batman, not Batboy.

Adam Brody, of The OC, was rumoured to have been cast as The Flash. But Superhero Hype is claiming that Anton Yelchin may actually be the guy to play the superfast speedster – which would make 2007 a heck of a year for Yelchin, who is also playing Chekov in JJ Abrams’ Star Trek. If this is true, it’s an interesting choice – again, Miller is going young, as previously reported/threatened, but Yelchin is not exactly your square-jawed hunk, so at least the new Justice League won’t look like they all stepped out of an Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue.

For Aquaman, Miller may well be plumping for a real… Hero, with Santiago Cabrera, the Chilean actor who starred as tortured future-seeing artist Isaac Mendez in the first season of Heroes, apparently ready to get a little wet. Intriguing casting, if so – Aquaman has generally been depicted as a blond-haired, blue-eyed WASP. Perhaps Miller is accentuating the character’s Atlantean origins.

As Wonder Woman, rumour has it Megan Gale may take the role. A 31 year-old Australian supermodel turned actress, she’ll certainly fit the bill physically. But she’s only made two big-screen appearances, most recent of which was in Stealth, so we’re not sure how her acting holds up.

And as the Green Lantern, Miller has reportedly plumped for hip-hop star Common, who was one of the best things about Smokin’ Aces. If so, it confirms that Miller – commendably – wasn’t just looking for actors who fit the parameters of their comic book character.

Now, bear in mind that this is all just rumour, and that this may eventually bear no relation to the Justice League cast (if the movie goes ahead). But – hey! - it’s always fun to speculate.

To see two more names that might be cast in the movie, go to superhero hype.

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