Star Wars: The Last Jedi Empire Podcast Spoiler Special With Rian Johnson

Rian Johnson

by Chris Hewitt |
Updated on
Rian Johnson

It's taken a while, but here it is at last — our Star Wars: The Last Jedi spoiler special podcast, ready to go down as smooth as a green milkshake.

In this two-hour behemoth, the Empire Podcast__ team — Chris Hewitt, Helen O'Hara, James Dyer, and Ian Freer — have a good old spoiler-heavy chat about the ups and downs, and the ins and outs of Episode VIII, and tackle a whole bunch of listeners' questions. Let's just say this is not going to go the way you think.

First up, though, is Chris' chat with the film's writer/director, Rian Johnson, who was in great form as he expounded on some of the film's most shocking revelations, as well as shedding more light on his love of Adrian Edmondson. Which is, perhaps, the most shocking revelation of them all.


You can listen to the Empire Podcast via our iTunes page.

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