Star Trek: Discovery – New Season 3 Trailer Introduces More Characters

Star Trek: Discovery S3

by James White |
Published on

Given that September eighth is Star Trek day, it was perhaps unsurprising that the team behind Star Trek: Discovery chose it to launch the new trailer for Season 3. Stateside readers can check it out below; those outside the US will want to head lower down the page for one without that pesky geo-blocking (at least until a more official Netflix version appears).

For the benefit of those who might not be quite as caught up on Discovery, we'll give you this paragraph as a warning that what follows is a mention of where this third season finds the crew...

Season 3 follows on from the end of the second, with the crew travelling far into the future, to a bleak 32nd century where an apocalyptic event across the galaxy called "the burn" has led to the collapse of the Federation and a brutal existence for many.

Still, Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the gang find people willing to help (and hug), including David Ajala's Book. Plus, we have the introduction of two new characters, non-binary Adira (Blu del Barrio) and trans Trill Gray (Ian Alexander).

Discovery will return to CBS All Access across the pond on 15 October (those in the States can see Season 1 starting 24 September on regular CBS), and, presumably, either the day after or shortly afterwards on Netflix in the UK and elsewhere.

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