The weather’s looking up, summer is looming, and while Peter Parker might currently be a pile of space-dust, he’s still got a summer holiday to look forward to. Spider-Man: Far From Home will be following Avengers: Endgame into cinemas in the coming months, with Marvel’s web-slinger surely set to un-dusted before his next solo adventure. The Homecoming sequel finds Spidey, er, away-going – heading off on a European school trip with Ned, MJ and co. To reflect that, three new Far From Home posters have arrived with Tom Holland’s suited-up Parker posing in front of famous landmarks – the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Rialto Bride and Grand Canal in Venice, and the Houses Of Parliament and London Eye in, well, London.

As you might expect, Spidey’s won’t just be sightseeing in this one – elemental attacks begin occurring, with the mysterious Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) popping up to seemingly thwart them. Plus, Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury interrupts proceedings to further complicate Peter Parker’s well-earned holiday.
Spider-Man: Far From Home is thwipping to the big screen on 3 July – and we’ll find out exactly how the wall-crawler gets himself together again when Avengers: Endgame arrives on 25 April.
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