Update: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes’ Toby Kebbell is also now in talks for the film{

Liam Neeson and Felicity Jones are already firmly in place in A Monster Calls' cast. But the roster is still coming together, and The Impossible's director Juan Antonia Bayona is attracting some serious star power. He's now lined up Sigourney Weaver for a significant role{
Writer Patrick Ness has adapted his own novel for the film, which was itself based on an original idea by Siobhan Dowd. A Monster Calls follows a boy, Conor, who tries to deal with his mother’s serious illness and bullying from classmates by escaping into a fantastical world full of beasts, heroes, warriors and more. His fairy tale life involves courage, loss and faith and helps him handle his troubled reality.
Jones is set to play Conor's mother, and Weaver will be his grandmother. Liam Neeson will be on the rampage as the titular monster.
Weaver has recently finished with Neill Blomkamp's Chappie and Ridley Scott's Exodus, and will slot A Monster Calls in before she starts her epic three-instalment Avatar return for James Cameron next year. Bayona's film is currently in pre-production and has a release date pencilled in of October 14, 2016.