Scoob! Joins The List Of Films Headed Straight To Home Entertainment


by James White |
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Warner Bros. has been making a few decisions today about the movies it has waiting to learn their release date fate. [Some, such as musical adaptation In The Heights](http://It's not such bad news for the cartoon origin movie, which charts the early days of everyone's favourite mystery-solving hound and his pals, as some of the films that have hit VOD have earned decent amount of cash for their respective studios. “While we’re all eager to be able to once again show our films in theatres, we’re navigating new, unprecedented times which call for creative thinking and adaptability in how we distribute our content,” Warner Bros chair and CEO Ann Sarnoff said in a statement.) have now landed new big screen dates. And then there's Scoob!, which is headed directly to video on demand, at least in the States.

It's not such bad news for the cartoon origin movie, which charts the early days of everyone's favourite mystery-solving hound and his pals, as some of the films that have hit VOD have earned decent amount of cash for their respective studios. “While we’re all eager to be able to once again show our films in theatres, we’re navigating new, unprecedented times which call for creative thinking and adaptability in how we distribute our content,” Warner Bros chair and CEO Ann Sarnoff said in a statement.

Scoob! will land on digital formats for premium digital rental for $19.99 and for purchase at the price of $24.99 on 15 May. Parents will no doubt be happy to learn of another film available to entertain their locked-down sprogs.

Another film headed to home entertainment in the US isBlue Story, which arrived in the UK last November. Andrew "Rapman" Onwubolu’s gang drama will be out on 5 May, with bonus content differing according to retailers.

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