With Brad Pitt and Tommy Lee Jones already cast in the two leads for sci-fi pic Ad Astra, director James Gray has found someone more than able to match them. Loving's Ruth Negga has hopped aboard the film in an undisclosed role.
Gray co-wrote the script with Ethan Gross, and a few nuggets of information about the film have escaped from the soundless vacuum of space, albeit ones that could evolve during the movie's journey to the screen. The plot reportedly sees space engineer Roy McBride (Pitt) heading out into the solar system 20 years after his father (Jones) left on a one-way mission to Neptune, aiming to find signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence. Now Roy is looking to track down what happened to his father, with the story apparently boasting a Heart Of Darkness-in-space vibe and some talk of a threat from the dad.
The film has just started shooting, so expect more details and probably additional casting information, soon. A regular on Preacher, Negga has been building a strong body of work, and was
Oscar nominated for her role in Loving.