Ron Perlman Part Of Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them

And he may be a fantastic beast


by James White |
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We know he can play a beast pretty darn fantastically thanks to the Hellboy movies, but now Ron Perlman is instead acting in a film called Fantastic Beasts, which also adds And Where To Find Them, as the actor is part of the cast for the new Harry Potter spin-off{ =nofollow}.

The spin-off, scripted by J.K. Rowling herself from her short tome, has Potter regular director David Yates calling the shot and is set decades before Harry, Hermione, Ron and the rest crossed the threshold of Hogwarts. Our hero here is magizoologist Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne), who is on a mission to document the creatures filling the wizarding world. On a trip to New York, he meets several characters.

Fantastic Beasts’ cast already includes Colin Farrell as a wizard named Graves; Katherine Waterston as Tina; Alison Sudol as Tina’s sister, Queenie; Dan Fogler as Jacob; Ezra Miller as Credence; Samantha Morton as Mary Lou; Jenn Murray as Chastity; and young newcomer Faith Wood-Blagrove as Modesty. Jon Voight, Gemma Chan and Carmen Ejogo recently signed up for as-yet-unknown parts. As for Perlman, there is no official word on his role, but The Hollywood Reporter has heard he might be playing a goblin.

Yates is shooting for a November 18, 2016 release date. Perlman is starring in Amazon’s drama Hand Of God and will be seen in Roland Emmerich’s Stonewall, which has yet to acquire a UK release date. He also recently stopped by the Empire Podcast, and if you haven’t heard his hilarious pod-chat, you can check it out below.

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