Robin Wright And Ray Winstone Among The New Recruits For Fantasy Movie Damsel

Robin Wright, Ray Winstone

by James White |
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You might think that Millie Bobby Brown would have enough on-screen peril given her regular gig on Stranger Things, but she's ready to face fantasy danger for Damsel. The film is adding Robin Wright, Ray Winstone, Nick Robinson, Brooke Carter and Shohreh Aghdashloo to the cast.

With Juan Carlos Fresnadillo directing from a script by Dan Mazeau, Damsel follows a dutiful damsel (Brown), who agrees to marry a handsome prince. There's just one snag in this seemingly happy ending: the royal family has recruited her as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt. Thrown into a cave with a fire-breathing dragon, she must rely on her wits and will to survive.

Deadline's report offers no details on how the new recruits will fit into the story, but we could see Wright and Winstone as the King and Queen.

Netflix is backing the movie, which has yet to lock in a release date.

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