Ridley Scott To Direct The Kind One

Casey Affleck already set to star

Ridley Scott To Direct The Kind One

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

We reported back in February (here) that Casey Affleck was signed up to star in The Kind One, the adaptation of Tom Epperson's crime novel. Now comes the news that Ridley Scott is set to produce and direct the film, catapulting it from "small but interesting" to "must see" in one fell swoop.

The plot sees Affleck play an amnesiac in 1930s Los Angeles who's told that he's "Two-Gun Danny", a mobster working for a boss known as The Kind One (some irony in that name, we're thinking). When Danny falls in love with his chief's girlfriend - or "moll" if you speak gangster - things are bound to get complicated.

Epperson's already set to adapt his book into a screenplay, and with Scott onboard this should develop fast (what are the chances he finds a job for Russell Crowe in there somewhere?) although Scott also has Nottingham with Crowe and some post-production work on Body of Lies on his To Do list. Still, one to watch out for, eh?

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