Red Band End Of Watch Trailer Arrives

Gyllenhaal and Pena vs. the world

Jake Gylleenhaal and Michael Pena in End Of Watch

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

Back in early May, the green band theatrical trailer for L.A. cop drama End Of Watch hit the web, and during Comic-Con **Empire **got a better look at the Jake Gylleenhaal and Michael Pena cartel face-off up close. But it's only now has the red band trailer arrives online.

Hosted on Yahoo!, its plot is not quite as clear as is in the original teaser, but this emphasises similar beats: Taylor (Gyllenhaal) and Zavala (Pena) discover something very bad on their rounds and the cartels are out for their blood.

Directed and written by David Ayers, who's previously penned Training Day, U-571 and the original Fast And The Furious, it mixes a traditional cops vs. gangsters storyline with camerawork most often seen in found footage films, using a realistic, almost documentary-like tone to back it up.

If you're looking more details on the movie, check out our Comic-Con piece and keep your eyes peels for upcoming features in Empire magazine itself.

The US will be able to see End Of Watch come September 21, whereas us Brits will need to wait until November 23.

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