Raised By Wolves Trailer: Ridley Scott’s Back With AI For New SF Series

Raised By Wolves

by James White |
Updated on

Not, as you might suspect from the title, a mega-budget remake of the Caitlin Moran TV adaptation, the new series Raised By Wolves marks Ridley Scott's return to directing for the small screen (barring one 2013 TV movie) since 1969. Check out the first trailer for the show...

Created by Prisoners' Aaron Guzikowski, the series is set in an apocalyptic future where Earth has been ruined by war and the last chance to keep humanity going is a group of embryos packed off to a mysterious new planet where they are raised by two androids, Mother (Amanda Collin) and Father (Abubakar Salim). An, from the looks of this, all is not quite what it appears.

Scott's no stranger to androids or sci-fi, and it certainly feels like he's pushed the visuals for this one, which looks intense and, at times, bonkers.

Raised By Wolves poster

Travis Fimmel, Winta McGrath, Niamh Algar, Matias Varela, Felix Jamieson, Ethan Hazzard, Jordan Loughran, Aasiya Shah, and Ivy Wong are all part of the cast for the show, which launches on the HBO Max service on 3 September in the US. There's no set date or destination for UK audiences, but our guess would be Sky Atlantic given its HBO origin.

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