Note to Hollywood development types: please stop letting the TV show Entourage spark script purchases. In the wake of the frenzied rumours about Aquaman becoming a film – after it was featured as a James Cameron production on Entourage, can it really be a coincidence that someone is going ahead with a Ramones biopic mere months after the TV show has its lead player (Adrien Grenier) considering starring in just such a film?
Of course it can, and The Ramones have always been an attractive subject for filmmakers. Now Rory Rosegarten has spent his own money to option I Slept With Joey Ramone, a biopic of the lead singer written by his brother, Mickey Leigh, along with punk writer Legs McNeil. Rosegarten has also bashed out a deal to secure thye rights to the band’s tunes with Charlotte Lesher, the late rocker’s mother, who controls his estate.
There’s no writer, director or cast attached yet.