Prisoners writer Aaron Guzikowski tackling the new Friday The 13th

Aaron Guzikowski tackling new Friday The 13th

by James White |
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Like the man himself, news about the new take on Jason Voorhees goes very quiet until a blade of information comes slicing through the wall. Work on this one has been slow, but now we know that Prisoners writer Aaron Guzikowski is negotiating to draft the latest iteration of the script for Friday The 13th.

What, exactly, he’ll be writing is a mystery for now, as Paramount and Michael Bay’s Platinum Dunes team have been reticent to release any information on this 13th film in the franchise, which follows the most recent attempt to bring Jason back to our screens in 2009. Since then, the script has been through several hands, including those of Hannibal’s Nick Antosca. And when his name popped up earlier this year, David Bruckner was attached to direct, though he has reportedly now left the project. Perhaps he wandered off on his own in to the woods…

And this isn’t the only horror project Guzikowski is on board for – he’s also coming up with a new film about The Wolf Man as part of Universal’s huge plan to create a monstrous shared cinematic universe from its classic creatures.

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