Prepare For The End Of The Season With New Game Of Thrones Images

Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7

by James White |
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It has come around faster than usual thanks to this truncated season, but 'tis season finale time again for Game Of Thrones. And, as has become as traditional as Emilia Clarke's Daenerys Targaryen spending 27 minutes announcing her various titles, new images from the episode, The Dragon And The Wolf are now online.


The huge episode (both in terms of characters all being in the same place and the chunky, previously announced nearly 80-minute run time) will see the culmination of not just this season's stories, but likely some big arcs from the show's run as a whole. Cersei (Lena Headey) has called the various factions together to see the evidence, collected by Jon Snow (Kit Harington) on last week's show, of the White Walkers. Someone in Westeros needs to get on inventing the camera. Seriously.

There is, of course, also a chance that this will turn out to be a trap on behalf of the scheming queen, and that Snow and co. are walking into a risky situation. Elsewhere, as the pictures (carefully chose to avoid giving much away), Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) will continue to see his visions as the Three-Eyed Raven and we'll get at least one scene with Bronn (Jerome Flynn), which is only right and proper. Sansa (Sophie Turner) and Arya's (Maisie Williams) sisterly bond will increasingly fracture, and oh yes, Theon (Alfie Allen) is in the episode as well.

Who will survive? And what will be left of them? We'll find that all out this weekend.

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