Potty About Potter

Fans flock to Gloucester en masse to get a glimpse of Harry

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Throughout history, Gloucester cathedral has been a place to which pilgrims travelled. Setting out from across the country with nought but the bare essentials on their backs, pious devotees would travel countless hundreds of miles to pay homage at the sixteenth century place of worship. Things haven't changed much over the last five centuries but recently, pilgrimages to the cathedral have been undertaken for slightly different reasons. Harry Potter returned to Gloucester this week and children are flocking to the site in an attempt to catch a glimpse of their pint-sized hero. The Chamber of Secrets is, like its predecessor, using the cloisters of the historic cathedral to film the Hogwarts corridor scenes but this time, the cloister is also doubling up as Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Along with dozens of uniform-clad Hogwarts extras, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Kenneth Branagh, Richard Harris and Dame Maggie Smith have all been seen wandering the cathedral's halls and, as word has spread, children for miles around have been granted the day off school to come along and see if they can catch a glimpse of the stars. As well as an encyclopaedic knowledge of the building's history, vergers at the cathedral have been forced to brush up on their Potter lore by popular demand as an increasing number of visitors enquire about the production. Those of you reaching for your hat and coat would do well to pay heed, however. While Harry and friends have signed numerous autographs for patient fans, the demand apparently became so great that admirers were holding up the shoot. Subsequent Potterphiles planning to take a quick trip to the West Country in an attempt to nab young Radcliffe's signature may consequently be in for a disappointment.

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