How Pixar Made Day And Night

Toy Story 3’s short is explained

How Pixar Made Day And Night

by James White |
Published on

One of the many highlights of new Pixar releases (aside from the fact that their movies are usually superb), are the short films that come attached to them. We’ve had some corkers through the years, including For The Birds, Presto and One Man Band, and Toy Story 3 promises something a little different with Day And Night.

Boasting a blend of 2D-designed central characters that feature 3D within their shapes, it’s the tale of very different personalities meeting. Day, a happy, sunny type, encounters Night, who favours some much darker moods. The first impression is not exactly friendly, but they soon discover each other’s unique qualities and realise that they share a view of the same world. It’s not quite as easy to distil down as, say, “hungry bunny creates chaos for magician” or “one-man bands compete for a girl’s money.”

So the Pixar bods have helpfully rounded up some of the team who brought the thing to life, including director Teddy Newton, to explain just what they were thinking and the challenges behind bringing their idea to life.

It’s a fun, short little peek into the Emeryville brains at work, so head over to Pixar Planet for a glimpse.

Day & Night will be in front of Toy Story 3 when both arrive on July 21.

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