It was announced by Pixar's John Lasseter at the end of 2011 as The Untitled Movie That Takes You Inside The Mind. Thanks to director Pete Docter however, that film now has a name. It's **Inside Out{
We knew from Lasseter that the film "takes place inside a girl's mind" and features "her emotions as characters" (THR names 'Anger', 'Sadness', 'Disgust' and 'Joy' among them). "The characters are created with [a lot of] energy," elaborates Docter now, "because we are trying to represent what emotions would look like. They are made up of particles that actually move. Instead of being skin and solid, it is a massive collection of energy."
"It's one of the most challenging stories I've ever had to put together," he adds, referring to the fact that the film requires two simultaneous stories dealing with the girl's external and interior lives. "One story is hard enough,” believes Docter. “This is two stories that need to talk to each other.”
Are we any the wiser? Following Brave, another Pixar film with a female protagonist is certainly welcome (and seems designed to directly address some of the studio's critics). As to the specific forms the eventual film will take, we can only wait and wonder.
"It's a lot of fun and really takes advantage of what animation can do," promises Docter. Inside Out should arrive on screens in the second half of 2015.