Penn Takes On Vikings

Irish tale's bloodlust set to rival Braveheart

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Oscar-nominated actor Sean Penn has begun work on a film that threatens to rival Braveheart for scenes of bloody battle. According to a report in the Irish tabloid Sunday World the actor has already put plans in motion for the story based on legendary Irish chieftain Brian Boru. It's not clear whether Penn plans to adopt an Irish accent and play Brian himself, but casting for the movie has already begun in LA. What is certain is that if Hollywood sticks to the story of Boru - whose main claim to fame was kicking the Vikings out of Ireland - the movie will be exceptionally violent. History reports that Boru, who (spoiler ahead) was killed at the battle to rid Ireland of the pesky pillagers, managed to behead the man who killed him despite having an axe embedded in his head. Cool.

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