Paul Feig In Talks For Wish List

He may direct the Reese Witherspoon pic

Paul Feig In Talks For Wish List

by James White |
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When the news first broke about Reese Witherspoon becoming attached to a high concept Disney comedy called** Wish List**, we worried that it sounded as though she was falling back on formula rom-coms. We’re still a little cautious about the premise, but we’re heartened to see that Bridesmaids' Paul Feig is now in negotiations to direct it.

Wish List would see Witherspoon as a woman who made a set of wishes when she was young. Now, as a driven career type with no real memory of what she asked for, she finds the wishes suddenly coming true and causing havoc in her life. But, we would hazard a guess, possibly also offering important life lessons.

The script, which has been lurking around the studios since 2001 (when it was originally conceived with a male lead character), has been through the hands of Randi Mayem Singer, Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. While Singer wrote Tooth Fairy (shudder), Aibel and Berger were part of the team who made Kung Fu Panda 2. But don’t start celebrating yet: they also wrote Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked.

We’ll have to see if this one comes together, as Feig has yet to commit to a follow-up to Bridesmaids. He’s already flirted with, then dumped, the new Bridget Jones film (the cad!) and is already attached to a couple of other films, including The Better Woman and Smooth Operato****r.

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