Last night at cinemas in Brixton, Cambridge, Liverpool and York, a few lucky people had the opportunity to catch an early glimpse of M. Night Shyamalan's latest film, The Village, and then take part in a Q&A with the man himself, hosted by Empire editor Colin Kennedy. Yes, via the marvels of modern technology audiences across the land were able to present their questions to the man they call the Twistmeister. We'll have the transcript for you tomorrow, but in the meantime, here a few non-spoilerific highlights about what The Village is and where it came from. "It first came from the desire to be rebellious; it's hard to say this about a period piece but there's a punk element underneath it, something very subversive. I feel that way after a successful movie, and my desire is not to sell out, take the easy road and actively risk as much as humanly possible in that position." "I guess what I didn't take into account entirely was that by saying my name in front of the movie people would expect something. I feel now that if I said 'I'm making a movie about two women and a vacuum cleaner" people would say "It's not two women and it's not a vacuum cleaner". We're at that place now, where nothing I say is taken as accurate."
The poor man
A Night With M. Night
Empire hosted evening with Shyamalan
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