Nicolas Cage Confronts Lovecraftian Horror In The Color Out Of Space Trailer

Color Out Of Space

by James White |
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The mind-warping terror conjured up by author HP Lovecraft would seem to be a good fit for the mania that Nicolas Cage can sometimes bring to his performances. Yet while he's mostly dialled down in this first trailer for Color Out Of Space, there's the promise of crazed Cage down the line.

Richard Stanleycalled the shots on this one, working from the script he adapted alongside Scarlett Amaris from Lovecraft's titular tale. The story runs thus:" After a meteorite lands in the front yard of their farm, Nathan Gardner (Cage) and his family find themselves battling a mutant extraterrestrial organism as it infects their minds and bodies, transforming their quiet rural life into a technicolor nightmare..."

Yes, you'll never look at the colour... pinky purple? in the same light again. With Joely Richardson, Tommy Chong, Julian Hilliard, Madeleine Arthur and Q'orianka Kilcher also in the cast, Color Out Of Space will infest US screens of 24 January. There's no UK date listed yet (it screened at the London Film Festival this year), but the big question will be whether the "U" will be added to "Color" when it does arrive here.

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