New Teaser Poster For Game Of Thrones

Season 4 sends a raven

New Teaser Poster For Game Of Thrones

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

Season 1 was 'You Win Or You Die'; season 2, 'The Clash Of Kings Has Begun'; and season 3 simply read, "The War Has Just Begun." Now it's the turn of Game Of Thrones' fourth season to get one of those quietly foreboding teaser posters HBO does so well and it has the hardly less doomy "All Men Must Die" splashed across it. Happy Friday to you, too! This poster, via Deadline, has a natty raven-as-swords motif. It can strike you down and peck out your eyeballs all in the same visit.

So what does Season 4 hold in its power-hungry clutches? Well, first of all there will be considerable anxiety for Tyrion Lannister. Peter Dinklage’s Imp is in jeopardy from all sides and reliant on the goodwill of his brother Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) to bail him out.

Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons, increasing in size and lethal threat, are going to be a significant factor, as are the wintery goings-on north of the Wall. But the most significant event, at least for Westeros’s wider future, is the Purple Wedding between – boo! hiss! – King Joffrey (Jack Gleeson) and Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer). Click below to watch an extensive featurette but, be warned, it contains season three spoilers.

Watch it all unfold from April 7 in the UK and a day earlier in the US.

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