Can a classic tale of childhood adventure like Arthur Ransome's Swallows And Amazons work at the cinema in an era of iPads and virtual reality headsets? That's the challenge faced by the new adaptation, which has just put a poster online.

Set in the Lake District, the story finds the Walker children (John, Susan, Tatty and Rog) bored and daydreaming of adventure during a slow summer holiday. Happily, they soon find it when they’re allowed to sail out to an island in the middle of a vast lake and caper around, Son Of Rambow-style, honing their intrepid survival skills. Then a pair of Russkie spies pitch up and things get serious. Well, probably not as serious as the people angry that the original character name of Titty has been changed to Tatty, but then, is anything that serious?
With the young cast supported by the likes of Andrew Scott, Kelly Macdonald, Jessica Hynes, Rafe Spall and Harry Enfield, the latest Swallows And Amazons sails into our cinemas on August 19. Check out the most recent trailer below.