New Skyfall Clip Lands

We know you're gonna dig this

New Skyfall Clip Lands

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

It's Global Bond Day today, which gives "00" fans 24 hours of pure Bond-iness to revel in. Some will be putting the finishing touches on boombox rocket launchers; others will be ordering in another batch of sharks for their secret lair. If, like us, you fancy celebrating in more serene style, try this awesome new **Skyfall **clip on for size.

Remember that bit we all loved in the first trailer? The classic Bond cufflink adjustment on the collapsing caboose? Well here it is, writ large in the context of Bond fighting a train with a digger.

We love everything about this - possibly Daniel Craig's most Roger Moore-y moment to date - and can't help thinking the mix of Old Bond wit and new Bond action beats bodes especially well for the movie. With any luck, the next scene involves a mini jet and a closing aircraft hanger.

**Skyfall **is out in the UK on October 26 - 20-odd more sleeps, folks - before heading to the States on November 9. You may have heard that it's got a new song, too.

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