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The Other Side Of The Door

by James White |
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You might think that, of all people, former Walking Dead star Sarah Wayne Callies would no not to tangle with strange supernatural forces. But no, here she is bringing doom upon herself in a new trailer for horror pic The Other Side Of The Door.

In her defence, Callies here plays Maria, a mother who has lost her son in a tragic car accident. When she learns of a mysterious temple linked to an ancient ritual that can cross the barrier between the living and the dead, she realises she might have a chance to say a final goodbye to young Oliver.

There is just one, big, unbreakable rule: you must never, ever, ever open the door between worlds. Guess what happens next? That's right, can open, worms everywhere. It probably wouldn't be much of a horror movie otherwise.

With Jeremy Sisto, Javier Botet, Sofia Rosinsky, and Logan Creran in the cast, this comes from co-writer/director Johannes Roberts, who last made Storage 24. The spookiness will start afflicting us all on March 18.

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