New Prometheus Viral Video Arrives

UPDATE: New posters and 'emotions gif'

New Prometheus Viral Video Arrives

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

Update: There's now a gif of all David's emotions available on Weyland Industries' website,, and now also here for you below.

If you're excited about Prometheus - and God knows you should be - you'll be keen to see this new viral video that's just hit the net concerning the android crew member of Sir Ridley Scott's latest space-offering.

Centring around Michael Fassbender's David, it appears that it's his birthday, and he's going to celebrate the only way he can: like a slightly effeminate android.

Of course, if you're trying to avoid all these little teasers, then click away now - to this feature on badass movie beards, for example - but chances are you need some sort of Prometheus fix now and again to keep the cravings at bay, in which case this will be positively useful.

There are also some new posters to go with it, thanks to, um, Verizon.

**Prometheus **is released on June 1. For more on Prometheus, make sure you pick up the latest issue of Empire.

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