New Posters And First Soundtrack Entries For The Greatest Showman

The Greatest Showman

by James White |
Published on

With its Christmas release in the States (we in the UK have to sit tight until New Year's Day) fast approaching, new character posters for the Hugh Jackman-starring musical The Greatest Showman are online.


The film charts showbusiness pioneer PT Barnum's (Jackman) life from a poor upbringing to his first proper circus in New York in the 1800s, a time when such shows were frowned upon as morally dubious.

Michelle Williams plays his wife Charity, with Zac Efron as his business partner who initially isn't sure about the whole shebang. Rebecca Ferguson, meanwhile, is Swedish Opera singer Jenny Lind, and Zendaya plays a trapeze artist who catches Efron's eye.

And because posters aren't perhaps the best way to showcase a musical, two tracks of the songs from the film, penned by Oscar-winning La La Land lyricists Benj Pasek and Justin Paul have also been made available. The soundtrack album itself will be out on 8 December, while the film, as mentioned, arrives here on 1 January.

Exclusive New Look At Hugh Jackman In The Greatest Showman

Rebecca Ferguson Will Be An Opera Singer In The Greatest Showman

First Trailer For The Greatest Showman

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