When a Michael Bay movie juggernauts into your life, you tend to know about it. The dazzled eyeballs, the ringing in the ears, the occasional loss of bladder control... all tell-tale signs that you've experienced a thunderous Bayheming. Pain And Gain, though, well, this one looks like offering explosiveness of a whole different kind. A new poster and some fresh stills, arrived via MSN, only crank up our anticipation levels for an action-thriller with a BMI index of -120.
There is literally no bus stop bad enough to hold that poster. Even its tagline could beat most other movie promos into the middle of next week. Their American dream *is *bigger than most American dreams, not least because they're four times bigger than most Americans. Heck, they could benchpress the founding fathers without breaking sweat.
Originally based on a Miami New Times newspaper article - unlike, say, **Transformers **- the story sees gym buddies Dwayne Johnson, Anthony Mackie and Mark Wahlberg conspire to extort a motza from a wealthy businessman who works out at their spot. Things, as you can imagine, don't work out smoothly for the bulky yet not hugely bright Sun Gym Gang. Ed Harris, Ken Jeong, Rob Corddry, Tony Shalhoub and Rebel Wilson round out the top-notch cast.
There's a full-bore Red Band trailer to watch with a consenting adult and a creatine shake, as well as these new stills to get your teeth into.
{New Pain And Gain Stills}
Pain And Gain is out on August 28. Get pressin'.