New Iron Man 2 IMAX Posters

A final peek at Whiplash & Ol' Shellhead

New Iron Man 2 IMAX Posters

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

It's due out here next Friday (April 30), but there's still time to squeeze in one last - OK, two last - Iron Man 2 posters before the big day. So here's one last pretty show of Whiplash with his whips, and Ol' Shellhead himself in his nifty suitcase suit, which still hasn't been delivered to the office despite us asking Father Christmas for one aaaages ago.

The film of course stars Robert Downey Jr, Don Cheadle, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson - with a little bit of Samuel L. Jackson for good measure, and is directed by Jon Favreau. But then if you don't know that by know, you just aren't paying attention.

![Exclusive New Iron Man 2 Whiplash IMAX Poster]

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![Exclusive Iron Man 2 IMAX Poster]

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The good news is that we get the movie a full week before the States here in the UK, so make sure you have all the phone numbers of your American friends handy so you can call up and gloat.

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