If you're a comics reader, you may already have seen this new image from Martin Campbell's Green Lantern, which appeared in this week's issue and was picked up by the folk over at The Daily Blam!. But here, just to make sure, is the first look at the film's take on Tomar-Re, a fellow member of the interplanetary Green Lantern Corps, and a more heroic fellow than his wrinkly appearance would suggest.
DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns explains the character along with the picture. ""His nature to examine everything has led the Guardians of the Universe to appoint him the archivist and protector of the sacred Book of Oa. When not studying the nature of the Corps, Tomar-Re patrols the sector of 2813 where he developed a close friendship with neighboring sector 2814's Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Tomar has taken an interest in Abin's replacement, Hal Jordan. Though Hal is not one for details, Tomar hopes to teach Hal what it means to be a Green Lantern."
Abin Sur is, of course, the dying alien who gives Ryan Reynolds' test pilot Hal Jordan his Green Lantern ring, making him a member of the Corps and a guardian of peace and justice and all that good stuff.
Green Lantern is out on June 17 next year.