We're getting new images from Tim Burton's Dark Shadows on a weekly basis now. Surely a trailer must be imminent... In the meantime, here's another new picture of Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins...

Following Empire**'s exclusive set of stills from a couple of months ago, here's a closer look from EW at Johnny Depp and Michelle Pfeiffer, playing Barnabus Collins and Elizabeth Collins Stoddard in Tim Burton's Dark Shadows.
Pfeiffer's looking nicely austere, we're thinking, while Depp seems to have opted for some appearance-altering nose and chin prosthetics, to complement that Burton-goth pallor.
Dark Shadows, you'll know by now, was a show that ran on the ABC network for more than 1200 episodes between 1966 and 1971, featuring ghosts, vampires, zombies, werewolves, parallel universes, time-shifting, melodrama, and general extreme creakiness. Depp has wanted a piece of the action for years.
"It had a weird sense of heightened melodrama," Burton tells MTV. "There was a generation of us who would run home from school to watch it. That's probably why we were such bad students. It had a weird seriousness, but it was funny in a way that wasn't really funny. We just had to feel our way through it to find the tone."
Seth Grahame-Smith wrote the screenplay, and in the process garnered Burton's blessing to have a crack at the recently-announced plans for a new Beetlejuice. And while not necessarily interested in directing, Burton will keep a paternal eye on the supernatural sequel as it develops. "I love that character," he says. "Michael Keaton is so great, and I'm sure he'd just strangely tap right back into it. I always think about how fun that character was, so I told him to try some stuff. In the past, I tried some things, but that was way back when. He seemed really excited about it. He hasn't come back to me yet though."
Watch this space for more Beetlejuice, and book your seat for Dark Shadows, which is out in the UK on May 11.