The talented pair behind 2007's charming, whimsical and fairly hard-hitting animation Persepolis, Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi, have reunited to make a second feature, this time in a live-action format. It's called Chicken With Plums and it's got a new trailer viewable below, courtesy of The Hollywood News.
First impressions are "Oooo, that's rather lovely". It's set in a stylised fantasy world that brings **Amelie **to mind (look out for Jeunet alumnus Jamel Debbouze) but with animated touches familiar from Persepolis.
Mathieu Amalric plays violinist Nasser Ali Khan, a man so heartbroken by the destruction of his prize instrument that he takes to his bed and waits for death.
Languishing in depression is a lot more magical in Satrapi's graphic novel though, and Khan's revelries take us on an Inception-esque journey into a dream world haunted by angels of death, snow flurries, and, by the looks of things, giant boobies.
Chicken With Plums is out in the UK later this year.