Neil Marshall Directing The Lair

Neil Marshall

by James White |
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Neil Marshall made his name crafting memorable horror, and he's sticking with the genre for his next couple of movies. He's already worked on The Reckoning and is turning his attention to The Lair.

The film focuses on Royal Air Force pilot Lt. Kate Sinclair who is on her final flight mission when her jet is shot down over one of the most dangerous rebel strongholds of Afghanistan. She finds refuge in an abandoned underground bunker where deadly man-made biological weapons — half human, half alien and hungry for human flesh – are awakened. Sinclair barely escapes but unknowingly, tracks the creatures known as Ravagers back to a US army base.

"If The Reckoning was a gothic drama in testament to the power and resilience of women, then The Lair is my true return to full blooded horror and intense genre action in the style of Dog Soldiers, The Descent and Doomsday. I’m making something scary as hell, pulse pounding and great fun," says Marshall. "This is a crowd pleaser. An adrenaline pumping roller-coaster ride. Spectacular and loud; inspired by classic genre movies like Aliens, Predator and The Thing and their incredible use of practical creature FX. Featuring a new breed of screen terror, The Lair will be a snarling, ravenous beast of a movie. I’m going to get my hands bloody making this one!"

Marshall has written the script, and will produce and direct the movie, which he's busy casting for a planned spring shoot.

Buy Dog Soldiers on Blu-ray at Amazon

Buy The Descent on Blu-ray at Amazon

Buy Doomsday on Blu-ray at Amazon

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