MGM Buys A Dog’s Breakfast

Dark relationship comedy from Canada

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Comedy A Dog’s Breakfast is a real oddity: it’s a low budget, ultra-dark laugher that was shot by the cast and crew of a TV show while they were on production hiatus.

The team who are usually busy making sci fi franchise shows Stargate SG-1 and spin-off Stargate Atlantis clearly like hanging out together, as they spent their break shooting the film about a brother trying to ruin the new relationship between his sister and her fiancé.

Directed by Atlantis star David Hewlett, the film features fellow show veterans Christopher Judge, Rachel Lutrell and Amanda Byram. It’s completed and has already been attracting attention by putting clips up on YouTube. And now MGM – the company whose TV arm already conveniently produces both the shows – has agreed to distribute it.

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