McG Updates On Terminator 4

And addresses that rumoured ending

McG Updates On Terminator 4

by Olly Richards |
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If you were browsing l'interweb yesterday, you may have seen a possible spectacular spoiler for Terminator 4, aka Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins. Don't worry, we're not going to write it here, but, if it were true, it would be a very, very big plot reveal. Updating his official blog, McG has addressed the circulating scuttlebutt, suggesting that he's keeping up with everything that's said about this movie.

"There are only three people who know the ending. The unknown future rolls toward us," he said. Diversion or proof the rumour is wrong? Who knows, but we hope it's the latter.

The director also revealed a bit more about the robots that will be seen in this film, which takes place in the dark days of the war between humans and Skynet.

"In this film, there are Hydrobots that patrol the water, Transports that move human prisoners around, Harvesters that collect human beings as lab rats for Skynet and Aerostats that survey all that is going on with the resistance the world over....We've started shooting the T-600 - the bigger, grimier, nastier version that preceded the T-800. Like Reese says, they're easier to spot but they pack a mini gun and carry kick ass fire power. They're eight-foot tall killers that prowl the badlands looking for anything with a heartbeat to terminate."

He also discusses a little of Stan Winston's work on the robots, as well as the origin of the name McG (in a paragraph that made us feel rather sorry for him). You can read the full blog here.

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