McG Confirmed For Terminator 4?

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McG Confirmed For Terminator 4?

by Olly Richards |
Published on

We don't like having to say this and we're really really hoping that someone somewhere has gone this wrong, but say they have received trustworthy confirmation that McG will be directing the fourth Terminator movie.

There have been rumours for a while that the Charlie's Angels director would shout orders on the first of the planned new trilogy, entitled Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, but rumours don't always come to fruition.

McG should probably be given the benefit of the doubt here, since he must have done something to convince Warner Bros that he's the best man for the job, but we worry that he's not sufficiently established as a director to handle one of the most anticipated events in movies: the war between Skynet and mankind. This needs to be absolutely spectacular to match what we've all had in our heads for over two decades. He's got some action style, if some difficulties holding a story together, so it could be that this movie either makes or breaks him. We'll hope for the latter.

Shooting is set to start early next year from a script by John Brancato and Michael Ferris (Terminator 3). With Arnie, Nick Stahl and Claire Danes not set to return, we're concerned that this could wind up not feeling like a part of the Terminator universe. Please let this work, please let this work, please let this work.

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