Max Landis’ directing debut Me Him Her finally gets a release date

Max Landis promoting American Ultra

by Owen Williams |
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Currently best known as the writer of Chronicle, American Ultra and Victor Frankenstein, and for being a vocal social media presence, Max Landis has actually directed a film too. Shot in 2013, Me Him Her has been gathering dust ever since, but has finally secured some distribution and will see the light of day in the spring.

Luke Bracey (Point Break), Emily Meade (The Leftovers) and Dustin Milligan (90210) star in the film. The story involves a TV actor (Bracey) coming out of the closet with the emotional support of of his drifter buddy (Milligan), who in turn begins an intense relationship with Meade. It's described as a comedy about sexual identity with three friends exploring love, lust and, er, sword combat

“It's completely different than anything I’ve ever written," Landis said a while ago. "You usually find me writing what I like to think of as intelligent summer action and genre films. This is deeply personal, and at its most basic level, a generational story about relationships and identity.”

“Max’s boundless imagination has dreamt up a fantastical world in which real people confront very real emotional issues in a very moving story that is hysterically funny to boot,” producers Peter Saraf and Marc Turtletaub added. “We are very excited to bring the full Max Landis experience to film lovers everywhere.”

Well it took a while, but that experience will finaly be available - in the States at least - on March 4.

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