Matthew Aldrich To Write The Trap

Ericson Core may direct thriller remake

by Chris Hewitt |
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Matthew Aldrich – who wrote last year’s undeservedly straight-to-DVD Renny Harlin/Sam Jackson thriller, Cleaner – is in negotiations with Alcon Entertainment which should ultimately see him opening Final Draft and bashing out a script for a movie called The Trap.

It’ll be a remake of a 2007 Serbian film about an ordinary Joe who is forced to commit a murder in order to pay for his son’s life-saving surgery. Aldrich has history with Alcon Entertainment – he has two films, Valet and Counterfeit Son, stationed there. So, presumably, when they needed a scribe, turning to Aldrich was a no-brainer.

The wonderfully-named Ericson Core, a former DP who directed the Mark Wahlberg American football drama, Invincible, may direct the film, which will be released by Warner Bros. He’s also attached to direct Aldrich’s Counterfeit Son.

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