Martin Scorsese Plans New Film About Jesus

Martin Scorsese

by James White |
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Given that he made one of the most infamous films about Christianity and its figurehead via The Last Temptation Of Christ (and tackled religion again in Silence), you might be surprised to learn that Martin Scorsese is reportedly planning to revisit that territory. But on a post-Cannes tour of Italy, the director scored a private audience with Pope Francis and has revealed a plan to make a new film about Jesus.

"I have responded to the Pope’s appeal to artists in the only way I know how: by imagining and writing a screenplay for a film about Jesus," Scorsese announced on Saturday during a Rome conference at the Vatican, according to multiple reports. "And I’m about to start making it."

Yes, we realise this dashes the hopes of anyone who was thinking he might switch tracks and agree to direct the next Marvel movie, but let's be honest — we all want as many movies as Scorsese is willing to make.

His latest, Killers Of The Flower Moon, debuted at the Cannes fest and will be in cinemas from 6 October.

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