The Insidious horror movie series, which kicked off back in 2010, has so far spawned four entries (a fifth, The Red Door, is on the way next month) and is now moving into spin-off territory. This Is Us' Mandy Moore and Eternals' Kumail Nanjiani are on board for Thread: An Insidious Tale.
Written, and set to be directed in his big screen shot-calling debut by Moon Knight's Jeremy Slater, Thread won't continue the current story but will instead focus on new characters.
A husband and wife enlist the help of a spell to travel back in time so that they can prevent the death of their young daughter. The consequences (as Barry Allen could probably tell them), of course, prove to be severe.
With James Wan producing as ever, Thread has yet to announce a release date but Insidious: The Red Door, directed by regular lead Patrick Wilson, is set to arrive on 7 July.