Maika Monroe Will Lead Colleen Hoover Romance Adaptation Reminders Of Him

Maika Monroe

by Jordan King |
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Over the last decade, Maika Monroe has emerged as one of Hollywood's go-to scream queens, notching up a slew of memorable performances in the likes of It Follows, The Guest, Watcher, and, most recently, Osgood Perkins' 'Satanic panic' psychological chiller Longlegs. And now, having just wrapped production on another genre piece, Michelle Garza Cervera's upcoming remake of The Hand That Rocks The Cradle, Monroe is looking to switch it up with a starring role in Reminders Of Him, a Universal bound adaptation of Colleen Hoover's bestselling romantic drama.

Per THR's reporting, Monroe has already closed a deal to star in the Universal picture, with Love At First Sight director Vanessa Caswill aboard to helm the project. Described by the studio as "a transformative feature film about motherhood, forgiveness and the power of one love to heal even the most shattered heart," Reminders Of Him will see Monroe play Keena Rowan, a struggling mother trying to rebuild her life and reconnect with her young daughter after a tragic incident that landed her in jail for five years. Sure, it's not exactly a rom-com for our dear Maika, but the film, penned by Hoover alongside Lauren Levine (Bridge To Terabithia), does at least promise a respite from serial killer Nic Cages and supernatural entities that serve as metaphors for sexually transmitted diseases (we'll get more of the latter in horror sequel They Follow, we're sure.)

Reminders Of Him is only the latest in an ever-growing list of Hoover novels being sucked up by Hollywood right now. Following the success of last year's It Ends With Us, the prolific novelist has seen The Idea Of You duo Michael Showalter and Anne Hathaway board a feature film adaptation of her psychological thriller/romance Verity, with Hathaway set to star opposite Josh Hartnett and Dakota Johnson; and elsewhere, Hoover's 2019 book Regretting You has a movie coming too, an Allison Williams, Dave Franco, Mckenna Grace, and Willa Fitzgerald starrer slated for release this October. As for this latest addition to the HCU (that's Hoover Cinematic Universe), we'll see whether Reminders Of Him cleans up — or if it just plain sucks — when the film hits cinemas on 13 February, 2026.

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