Lynda Carter Wanted For Wonder Woman 2 Role

Gal Gadot and Lynda Carter

by James White |
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For all that Gal Gadot has proven herself as Amazonian warrior Wonder Woman, to those of a certain age, the iconic version of the character will forever be Lynda Carter's TV take. Last year, there were rumours that Warner Bros. and director Patty Jenkins were looking to get Carter for a cameo in the movie sequel. Carter, talking on US show Today, says that it may still happen.

"That is up to Patty Jenkins, I’ve been talking to her about it,” Carter told host Megyn Kelly, in an interview found by Radio Times. "She has given me some hints about it and I guess it’s up to Warner Bros. if they want to spend the money." You can see the whole interview lower down the page.

Assuming Warner Bros. does crack open its wallet – and, come on, who wouldn't want to see Carter play at least a small role in the new movie? – she'll join a cast that already includes Gadot, Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal. Jenkins is preparing to shoot the film this year, moving Diana Prince's story on to the 1980s and her battles during the Cold War with Wiig's Cheetah. Wonder Woman 2 is due for release in November next year.

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