Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer – the musical comedy trio collectively known as The Lonely Island – are back. Humble beginnings on YouTube (including some time spent on a boat{

Empire visited the LA set of the film and spoke to the gang for our new issue. “What we’re edging towards,” explains Andy Samberg, “are the ‘real’ moments you get in these films: the moment when Katy Perry’s relationship goes south, or a mother’s grief when her boys are leaving her to go on tour, or when One Direction are sitting round a campfire discussing whether they’ll still be friends in the future. It’s totally staged, but you’re charmed by it.”
Popstar is a big step up for the gang: amongst other changes, it now has the producing might of comedy titan Judd Apatow behind it. “We’d been talking for years about doing a concert-style movie,” says Samberg. “Then Akiva had a meeting with Judd Apatow, and Judd pitched exactly this idea to him.” Schaffer, who co-directs with Taccone, nods in agreement. “When Judd pitches something to you,” he says, “you’ve kinda got to do it!”
Empire’s correspondent witnessed a song entitled Ibiza, a cheesy Eurodance pastiche with lyrics which rhyme ‘lobster’ with ‘conquistador’.“We all love pop music,” says Taccone, “and we hope that shines through.” “Then again,” adds Schaffer, keen to dispel any potential doubts on the matter, “we are still taking the piss.”
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping arrives in cinemas on August 26; for more on the film, including an exclusive never-before-seen image, pick up a copy of the new Empire, on sale from Thursday.